Rutland 4km open water swim for Bliss

Matt Holton 8th August 2021 This event has closed


On the 8th August 2021 I'm doing a 4km open water swim in memory of our little boy Alexander. 

For those of you that don't know, Alexander was born at 24 weeks and 3 days, on the 13th November 2018. Due to his early arrival, Alexander suffered a number of complications including a grade 4 brain bleed and a perforated intestine, which he battled and fought through. Unfortunately, following an operation to repair his intestine he got an infection which he was unable to fight off, which led to him passing away on the 23rd November 2018. 

During our time with Alexander we were supported by Bliss in numerous ways, which we will be forever grateful for. However, not only do Bliss support families with premature or sick babies in hospital, they also support the incredible professionals taking care of these babies and conduct life saving research, which can also help to improve the quality of life for premature and sick babies.

You can be sure that any money donated via my page to Bliss will be going to an incredible cause, to help Bliss continue the amazing work they're already doing. As with all charities right now, Bliss could really do with any support you can provide, so if you're able to do so, please donate. Thank you.

Below is a brief description of Bliss from their own website if you'd like to read a bit more about them.

Every 5 minutes, a baby is admitted to neonatal care in the UK. Bliss is the leading UK charity for babies born premature or sick. They rely on donations to fund their work, and without help they won't be able to reach the 100,000 babies needing neonatal care each year.Your donation will help Bliss to drive improvements in neonatal care, to ensure that the needs of babies are at the heart of policy and planning for the future, and to provide information and support to all families with a baby born premature or sick.
